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Module:Road data/strings/CAN/ON

From Cube Studios Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Road data/strings/CAN/ON/doc

To inspect the content of this data module, use [[Special:ExpandTemplates]]
and enter the following input text:
  {{#invoke:Road data/dump|dump|module=Module:<name-of-this-module>}}

To inspect the content of this data module when editing, enter the following
into the Debug console:
  local util = require("Module:Road data/util")
To inspect a particular route type, change `p` above to include the route type,
e.g., `p.I` and `p["US-Hist"]`.

-- Ontario
local ON = {}

local util = require("Module:Road data/util")
util.addAll(ON, require("Module:Road data/strings/CAN"))

ON.ON = {
	shield = {
		["Allen"] = "", --"Allen Road Shield.svg",
		["DVP"] = "DVP Shield.svg",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Shield.svg",
		["Veterans"] = "",
		["Hanlon"] = "",
		["QEW"] = "Ontario QEW crown.svg",
		["451"] = "Ontario QEW crown.svg",
		default = {
			hook = "split",
			split = 500,
			above = "Ontario Highway %route%.svg",
			below = "Ontario %route% crown.svg"
	shieldmain = {
		["7"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-COR.svg"},
		["11"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "Trans-Canada Highway shield.svg"},
		["12"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-COR.svg"},
		["17"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-LSR.svg", "TCH-OVR.svg"},
		["21"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "BluewaterTrail_infobox.svg"},
		["66"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-NOR.svg"},
		["69"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-GBR.svg"},
		["71"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-NOR.svg"},
		["400"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-GBR.svg"},
		["401"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "MC-Freeway.svg"},
		["417"] = {"Ontario %route%.svg", "TCH-OVR.svg"},
		["QEW"] = "Ontario QEW.svg",
		["451"] = "Ontario QEW.svg",
		default = {
			hook = "split",
			split = 500,
			above = "Ontario Highway %route%.svg",
			below = "Ontario %route%.svg"
	shieldlist = {
		["QEW"] = "Ontario QEW.svg",
		["451"] = "Ontario QEW.svg",
		default = {
			hook = "split",
			split = 500,
			above = "Ontario Highway %route%.svg",
			below = "Ontario %route%.svg"
	name = {
		["Allen"] = "William R. Allen Road",
		["DVP"] = "Don Valley Parkway",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Expressway",
		["Hanlon"] = "Hanlon Expressway",
		["Veterans"] = "Veterans Memorial Parkway",
		["QEW"] = "Queen Elizabeth Way",
		["451"] = "Queen Elizabeth Way",
		default = "Highway %route%"
	link = {
		["Allen"] = "Allen Road",
		["DVP"] = "Don Valley Parkway",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Expressway",
		["Hanlon"] = "Hanlon Expressway",
		["Veterans"] = "Veterans Memorial Parkway",
		["QEW"] = "Queen Elizabeth Way",
		["451"] = "Queen Elizabeth Way",
		default = "Ontario Highway %route%"
	abbr = {
		["Allen"] = "Allen Road",
		["DVP"] = "DVP",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Expressway",
		["QEW"] = "QEW",
		["451"] = "QEW",
		default = "Highway %route%"
	orientation = "upright"
ON.Hwy = ON.ON
ON.Highway = ON.ON

ON.Fwy = {
	shield = ON.ON.shield,
	shieldmain = ON.ON.shieldmain,
	shieldlist = ON.ON.shieldlist,
	name =,
	link =,
	abbr = ON.ON.abbr,
	color = "MUTCDblue",
	orientation = "upright"

ON.Secondary = {
	shield = "Ontario Highway %route%.svg",
	name =,
	link =,
	abbr = ON.ON.abbr.default,
ON.Sec = ON.Secondary

ON.Tertiary = {
	shield = "Ontario Highway %route%.svg",
	name =,
	link =,
	abbr = ON.ON.abbr.default,
	orientation = "upright"

ON.Ter = ON.Tertiary

ON.Toll = {
	shield = "Ontario %route% crown toll.svg",
	shieldmain = "Ontario %route% Toll.svg",
	shieldlist = "Ontario %route% Toll.svg",
	name =,
	link =,
	abbr = ON.ON.abbr.default,
	orientation = "upright"


ON.ETR = {
	shield = {["407"] = "Highway407crest.svg", default = ''},
	shieldmain = {["407"] = "407 Express Toll Route Traffic Sign.svg", default = ''},
	name =,
	link =,
	abbr = ON.ON.abbr.default,
	orientation = "upright"

ON.Both = {
	shield = {["407"] = {"Highway407crest.svg", "Ontario 407 crown toll.svg"}, default = ''},
	shieldmain = {["407"] = {"407 Express Toll Route Traffic Sign.svg", "Ontario 407 Toll.svg"}, default = ''},
	shieldlist = {["407"] = {"Highway407crest.svg", "Ontario 407 Toll.svg"}, default = ''},
	name =,
	link =,
	abbr = ON.ON.abbr.default,
	orientation = "upright"

ON["ON 1960"] = {
	shield = "Ontario King's Highway %route%.svg",
	name = "King's Highway %route%",
	link =,
	abbr = ON.ON.abbr.default,
	orientation = "upright"

for k, v in pairs(ON) do if k:find ("TCH") then 
	v.shield = "Trans-Canada Highway shield.svg"

ON.QEW = {
	shield = "Ontario QEW crown.svg",
	shieldmain = "Ontario QEW.svg",
	name = "Queen Elizabeth Way",
	link = "Queen Elizabeth Way",
	abbr = "QEW",
	color = "MUTCDblue",
	orientation = "upright"

ON.Parkway = {
	shield = "",
	name = "%route% Parkway",
	link = "%route% Parkway",
	abbr = "%route% Parkway",
	color = "hist",
	nbrowse = "Parkways of the Great Lakes",
	nbrowselinks = {
		[1] = "[[Long Sault Parkway|Long Sault]]",
		[2] = "[[Niagara Parkway|Niagara]]",
		[3] = "[[St. Clair Parkway|St. Clair]]",
		[4] = "[[Thousand Islands Parkway|1000 Islands]]"

-- add new types above this line if you want it to have the provincial highway browse and maint
for k, v in pairs(ON) do if k:find ("^%a") then
	v.maint = "[[Ministry of Transportation of Ontario]]"
	v.browse = "[[Ontario Provincial Highway Network|Ontario provincial highways]]"
	v.browselinks = {
		[1] = "[[List of provincial highways in Ontario|Current]]",
		[2] = "[[List of former provincial highways in Ontario|Former]]",
		[3] = "[[400-series highways|400-series]]"

ON.KLR = {
	shield = "RR %route% jct.svg",
	name = "Kawartha Lakes Road %route%",
	link = {ifexists = true, default = "Kawartha Lakes Road %route%"},
	abbr = "City Road %route%",

local regionalShields = {
	arg = "county",
	default = "RR %route% jct.svg",
	["Grey"] = "RR %route% jct blue.svg",
	["Hamilton"] = "RR %route% jct blue.svg",
	["Niagara"] = "RR %route% jct blue.svg",
	["Peel"] = "Peel RR %route% jct.svg",
	["Halton"] = "Halton RR %route% jct.svg"

local regionalShieldmains = {
	arg = "county",
	default = "RR %route% jct.svg",
	["Durham"] = "Durham Regional %route%.svg",
	["Essex"] = "Essex County Road %route%.png",
	["Halton"] = "Halton Regional Road %route%.svg",
	["Hamilton"] = "Hamilton Ontario Road %route% Shield.svg",
	["Kawartha Lakes"] = ON.KLR.shield,
	["Niagara"] = "Niagara Regional Road %route%.svg",
	["Peel"] = "Peel Regional Road %route%.svg",
	["Perth"] = "Perth County Line %route%.svg",
	["Simcoe"] = "Simcoe County Road %route%.jpg",
	["Sudbury"] = "Greater Sudbury %route%.svg",
	["Waterloo"] = "Waterloo Regional Road %route%.svg",
	["York"] = "York Regional Road %route%.svg"
for _,type in ipairs({"County", "District", "Municipal", "Regional"}) do
	ON[type] = {
		shield = regionalShields,
		shieldmain = regionalShieldmains,
		name = "%county% " .. type .. " Road %route%",
		link = {
			ifexists = true,
			default = "%county% " .. type .. " Road %route%"
		abbr = type .. " Road %route%",
		width = "square",
		color = "default",
		maint = "%county% " .. type .. " Transportation Department",
		browse = "[[List of county roads in Ontario|County roads in Ontario]]",

ON.CR = ON.County
ON.DR = ON.District
ON.MR = ON.Municipal
ON.RR = ON.Regional

ON.RH = {
	shield = regionalShields,
	shieldmain = regionalShieldmains,
	name = "%county% Regional Highway %route%",
	link = {
		ifexists = true,
		default = "%county% Regional Highway %route%"
	abbr = "Regional Highway %route%",
	color = "default",
	maint = ON.Regional.maint,
	browse = ON.Regional.browse,
	browselinks = ON.Regional.browselinks

ON.CH = {
	shield = regionalShields,
	shieldmain = regionalShieldmains,
	name = "%county% County Highway %route%",
	link = {
		ifexists = true,
		default = "%county% County Highway %route%"
	abbr = "County Highway %route%",
	color = "default",
	maint = ON.County.maint,
	browse = ON.County.browse,
	browselinks = ON.County.browselinks

ON.Toronto = {
	shield = {
		["Allen"] = "Allen Road Shield.svg",
		["DVP"] = "DVP Shield.svg",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Shield.svg",
		default = ""
	name = {
		["Allen"] = "William R. Allen Road",
		["DVP"] = "Don Valley Parkway",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Expressway",
		default = "%route%"
	link = {
		["Allen"] = "Allen Road",
		["DVP"] = "Don Valley Parkway",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Expressway",
		default = ""
	abbr = {
		["Allen"] = "Allen Road",
		["DVP"] = "DVP",
		["Gardiner"] = "Gardiner Expressway",
		default = "%route%"
	browse = "",
	color = "MUTCDblue",
	orientation = "upright",
	maint = "",
	browse = "Roads in Toronto",
	browselinks = {
		[1] = "[[List of north–south roads in Toronto|North–South]]",
		[2] = "[[List of east–west roads in Toronto|East–West]]",
		[3] = "[[List of diagonal roads in Toronto|Diagonal]]"
ON.I = {alias = {module = "USA", type = "I"}}
ON.NY = {alias = {module = "USA/NY", type = "NY"}}
ON.Tour = {alias = {module = "USA/regional/Tour", type = "Tour"}}

return ON
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