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From Cube Studios Wiki
Revision as of 06:18, 25 July 2022 by Blocky55 (talk | contribs) (page)

Pentland (IPA: /ˈpntlənd riˈahəblək/), officially, the Pentland Republic, is a country consisting of 5 parishes, one federal city, and one island territory that is located on the Western Ocean on the northwest quadrant of Lenara Island, bordering Lignareix to the south and Lenara to the east. The capital and largest city is Revelstoke, located near the northwest of the nation and is one of the largest financial centers of the island. around 66 percent of the nations population of 12.8 million people lives within the line of cities along the western shore between Revelstoke and Westminister.


main article: History of Pentland

insert short historical summery


Pentland is located on the northwestern shore of Lenara Island, while also occupying 300-400 small coastal islands, and the Isle of Skipsea. a significant portion of the island is taken up by the Pentlandian Desert, home to 2 of Pentland's Endemic Species, the Pennec Fox, and the Pentlandian Greater Roadrunner. To the south of the country lie the (to be named) mountains, with the highest peak, Mount Providince, sitting at 2,956 meters above sea level (9,658 feet), and the Fabre River, which runs from Central Lenara to the southern Gulf of Westminister.


climate summary here


transport summary here

Government and politics


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